Theory U by Otto Scharmer
Deep Systems Transformation
We host leadership and innovation labs and customizes programs for organizations and businesses to support deep systems innovation and collaboration in the context of rapidly changing and challenging environments
Trigon Entwicklungsberatung
1 year coaching training
Certificate courses in Vienna, Salzburg, Zurich, Cologne
Mindlead Institute, Pioneers of NOW
Mindfulness in organizations
Mindlead Institute, Salzburg
German Society for Supervision and Coaching DGSv, Cologne
We set standards for supervision and coaching
Spiritual therapy and meditation
Osho UTA Institute, Cologne
Pair synthesis
German Society for Integrative Couple Therapy and Couple Synthesis
Couple therapy and couple synthesis
BioGourmetClub, Cologne
Vegan cooking school and academy
Demeter organic farm Bursch, Bornheim
King Georg Jazz Club Bar, Cologne