Become who you are and go your own way
your life coach in Bonn will support you.

Let's start with a little experiment: close your eyes and imagine a lemon in your left hand. Now take a knife with your right hand and cut the lemon in half down the centre. You know that nothing can happen, it's just an imagination. Now put one half away and bring the other half to your mouth. Lick the lemon with your tongue. Observe what happens in your body now.
This simple imaginative experiment shows you the power of thoughts and ideas themselves on our physical processes. You have to imagine it like this: what is and has been ‘wired’ together in your brain over the course of your life has an effect on your body, on the release of hormones and messenger substances, on the activation of genes and, of course, also creates feelings. Feelings are an ingenious medium for summarising what you are experiencing. Whatever love or violence you have experienced has formed complex patterns so that you have been able to survive. You have formed habits to process things and this has found its way into your value and belief system, your identity and your sense of belonging.
Now imagine waking up every morning with a clear goal and the knowledge that you have control over this day, this month, over your life. It's possible - and as a life coach near Bonn, I can help you get more of it and get there. So what do you want more of? We can address this question together. I have my practice near Bonn in Königswinter, where the Siebengebirge mountains begin, almost directly on the Rhine, where you can expect a pleasant atmosphere in which you can face your challenges in a safe place.

Trust yourself, ou will find a safe room if you let a life coach accompany you, except that your body system will calm you down, except that you can dock onto the issues that are bothering you, that you will learn to inspire and surprise yourself, that you will let your joy guide you more in the future, that you and your body will understand: I can choose! I am safe and secure! I am loving and lovable! I lack nothing, I am whole and valuable! I go my own way, set clear boundaries, can relax and both love and work!
Don't wait any longer for the perfect moment - it's now! Arrange a free initial consultation today and discover how I can help you as a life coach near Bonn to shape your life according to your ideas. Your new chapter begins here, near Bonn. Let's work together to make your dreams come true!
Life Coaching Online:
Let's start with a little experiment: close your eyes and imagine a lemon in your left hand. Now take a knife with your right hand and cut the lemon in half down the centre. You know that nothing can happen, it's just an imagination. Now put one half away and bring the other half to your mouth. Lick the lemon with your tongue. Observe what happens in your body now.
This simple imaginative experiment shows you the power of thoughts and ideas themselves on our physical processes. You have to imagine it like this: what is and has been ‘wired’ together in your brain over the course of your life has an effect on your body, on the release of hormones and messenger substances, on the activation of genes and, of course, also creates feelings. Feelings are an ingenious medium for summarising what you are experiencing. Whatever love or violence you have experienced has formed complex patterns so that you have been able to survive. You have formed habits to process things and this has found its way into your value and belief system, your identity and your sense of belonging.
Now imagine waking up every morning with a clear goal and the knowledge that you have control over this day, this month, over your life. It's possible - and as a life coach near Bonn, I can help you get more of it and get there. So what do you want more of? We can address this question together. I have my practice near Bonn in Königswinter, where the Siebengebirge mountains begin, almost directly on the Rhine, where you can expect a pleasant atmosphere in which you can face your challenges in a safe place.
Life Coaching Online:
Mental strength for professional success
Wir alle haben das Potenzial aufzublühen. Nur wie geht das? Die Antwort lautet: wenn wir uns mit uns selbst verbinden, zu uns und unserem ganzen Gefühlsreichtum stehen und auf unsere Sehnsucht hören. Öffne dein Herz für deine negativen Gefühle, deine Traurigkeit, deinen Zorn, deine Verletzungen, deine Wut, deine Rachegefühle, deine Eifersucht und deinen Neid, deine Hilflosigkeit, deine Kleinheits- und Minderwertigkeitsgefühle oder umgekehrt, für deine Größenphantasien. Aber auch für deine Kreativität, die Glücksmomente, deinen authentischen Stolz, dein sicheres Souveränitätsgefühl, dein Mitgefühl und deine Mitfreude, dein Staunen und deine Dankbarkeit. Sie alle wollen gesehen und als Gefühle und nicht als Tatsachen wahrgenommen werden. Den Gefühlsreichtum begrüßen und seine Botschaften von Wichtigem verstehen lernen, das ist die Aufgabe, bei der ich dich gerne als Life Coach in Bonn Nähe begleite. Unvergleichlich ausgedrückt als Metapher für den empfohlenen Umgang mit unseren Gefühlen in Gänze findet sich im Gedicht ‚Gasthaus‘ des persischen Sufi-Mystikers Rumi aus dem 13.Jahrhundert.

Life Coaching Online:
Trust yourself, ou will find a safe room if you let a life coach accompany you, except that your body system will calm you down, except that you can dock onto the issues that are bothering you, that you will learn to inspire and surprise yourself, that you will let your joy guide you more in the future, that you and your body will understand: I can choose! I am safe and secure! I am loving and lovable! I lack nothing, I am whole and valuable! I go my own way, set clear boundaries, can relax and both love and work!
Don't wait any longer for the perfect moment - it's now! Arrange a free initial consultation today and discover how I can help you as a life coach near Bonn to shape your life according to your ideas. Your new chapter begins here, near Bonn. Let's work together to make your dreams come true!