‘Better to experience new things with an old partner than old things with a new one.’
Couples coaching knows that lasting partnerships need tangible love despite time constraints.
Where are you in the rhythm of love? Do you manage to live a deep intimacy in the exchange of body, soul and spirit as you did at the beginning of your love, or do you focus on withdrawal, offence and drama? Over the years, you may be caught up in the general organisation of life that building a partnership, community and family inevitably requires. Or have important shared values and goals such as honesty without masks and pressure to conform, truthfulness towards yourself and your partner, fresh air for equal closeness and autonomy been lost along the way and become unbalanced or even disappeared altogether? Love suffers when there is a lack of time and the partnership is taken for granted or even becomes a disposable object.
The couple coaching, based near Bonn, focuses on conscious resource-rich relationship work, personal growth of each partner and the balance between closeness and autonomy in face-to-face or online sessions. Exercises and instructions on self-reflection, responsibility, appreciation, trust, mutual support, disputes and conflicts as opportunities for growth, authenticity and a fulfilling sexuality make the work pleasantly gentle and varied at the same time. A lively and fulfilling sexuality is not only an expression of physical closeness, but often also reflects the emotional state and emotional differentiation of the couple's relationship. Be courageous and face the state of your love so that it can grow.
Couples coaching in Bonn or online helps couples to become aware of their individual and shared love and conflict dynamics and to place the relationship on a joyful and sustainably happy basis that enables personal and shared growth.
Couples coaching near Bonn or online helps couples to become aware of their individual and shared love and conflict dynamics and to put their relationship on a joyful and sustainably happy footing that enables personal and mutual growth.
Couples coaching recommends: Arguing and reconciling in love or separating gracefully
Fundamental dissatisfaction with a partner or in the couple relationship indicates that there may be something fundamentally wrong and that there is too much or too little self-confidence, self-criticism or self-doubt.
Depending on how your personalities are ‘moulded’ and how you are used to dealing with the baggage from your childhood and life history,
the partners offer themselves as a scapegoat or make the other person into one
act and behave predominantly depressively or aggressively, argue passively or actively, manipulatively out of too much adaptation or projectively out of too much assertiveness and influence. The point is to have more courage for self-reflection and personal contribution than to become entangled in destructive, unholy arguments in the microcosm of the couple.
Instead of waging war, the couple learns to enter into dialogue with each other and to recognise that destructive arguments between partners are ultimately arguments between injured children or siblings.
The old patterns of grievance are dissolved and new patterns of dialogue are practised, because there are other ways to argue in a meaningful way.
A new culture of conflict does not begin with tedious, endless arguments about who is right and continued blaming of the other person, but with self-reflection and the processing of one's own hurt and destructively hurtful parts in the presence of the partner, so that both learn to better understand their conflict and love dynamics together. The Gordian knot with its entanglements and lashings can then be untangled when the partners recognise that both are ‘victims and perpetrators’. However, if too many grievances have arisen, feelings have grown cold and other attachments have developed, a dignified separation by way of an inner divorce is appropriate. In both cases, through genuine forgiveness or a real inner separation, the souls can breathe more freely again, the protective strategies can be recognised as such in themselves and love is given the chance to blossom again and in a different depth.
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Mental strength for professional success
Where are you in the rhythm of love? Do you manage to live a deep intimacy in the exchange of body, soul and spirit as you did at the beginning of your love, or do you focus on withdrawal, offence and drama? Over the years, you may be caught up in the general organisation of life that building a partnership, community and family inevitably requires. Or have important shared values and goals such as honesty without masks and pressure to conform, truthfulness towards yourself and your partner, fresh air for equal closeness and autonomy been lost along the way and become unbalanced or even disappeared altogether? Love suffers when there is a lack of time and the partnership is taken for granted or even becomes a disposable object.
The couple coaching, based near Bonn, focuses on conscious resource-rich relationship work, personal growth of each partner and the balance between closeness and autonomy in face-to-face or online sessions. Exercises and instructions on self-reflection, responsibility, appreciation, trust, mutual support, disputes and conflicts as opportunities for growth, authenticity and a fulfilling sexuality make the work pleasantly gentle and varied at the same time. A lively and fulfilling sexuality is not only an expression of physical closeness, but often also reflects the emotional state and emotional differentiation of the couple's relationship. Be courageous and face the state of your love so that it can grow.
Couples coaching in Bonn or online helps couples to become aware of their individual and shared love and conflict dynamics and to place the relationship on a joyful and sustainably happy basis that enables personal and shared growth.
Couples coaching near Bonn or online helps couples to become aware of their individual and shared love and conflict dynamics and to put their relationship on a joyful and sustainably happy footing that enables personal and mutual growth.
Couples coaching recommends: Arguing and reconciling in love or separating gracefully